(Social Sciences, Humanities, Commerce & Management, Engineering & Technology, Medicine, Sciences, Art & Development Studies, Law)

Peer Reviewed and Refereed International Journal

ISSN : 2277 - 7881

International Scientific Indexing Value : 2.286 IMPACT FACTOR : 9.014 Index Copernicus Value : 5.16

Internationally Registered & Peer Reviewed                Awards by IJMER (Sponsored by Prof.(Dr.)Sohan Raj Tater)

Articles of Volume12 Issue10(2) 2023

1. Effect of Learned Optimism on Resilience of Covid 19 Effected Adolescents

Radhika Rani S and Manish Kumar Verma


2. India – Tajikistan Partnership: To Counter Islamist Radical Groups

Amina Bibi


3. Status and Activities of Self-Help Groups in Barasat Subdivision of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal

Brahmananda Sengupta and Kanan Chatterjee


4. Diversity and Abundance of Wetland Birds Around Pakal Lake in Warangal District of Telangana State

Dehamood Shaik


5. A Study on Employer Branding as A Tool of Talent Retention in A Knowledge Based Economy

Sivakami R and Janani R D


6. At The Top of The Ladder: Śivamagha I

Jappen Oberoi


7. Philosophical Greatness and Classicality of Mānameyodaya of Melputtūr Nārāyaṇa Bhaṭṭa and Brahmakulam Nārāyaṇa Paṇḍita

Jaya B


8. Algae A Promising Alternative as Biofuel

Karra Newton Babu


9. Dalith Movement in Telangana

Kola Ravinder and Usha Vaidya


10. Witness the Transformative Power of Digitalization in Indian Libraries, Revolutionizing Access to Knowledge and Culture: Exhaustive Review

Laxman Toli


11. Construction and Standardization of an Achievement Test in Physics for Class XI Students Under Assam Higher Secondary Education Council

Manash Pratim Bora and Sailendra Bhuyan


12. Uniform Civil Code: Undesirable or Justice For All?

Manu Das


13. A Study on The Aṭṭakkathā Writers from Kerala

Ramya T. M.


14. An Explorative Study on Child Trafficking and It’s Preventive Measures

Vikas Kumar Sharma and Rupesh Kumar Upadhyay


15. The Philosophical Significance of Kural with Special Reference to Ahimsa in ‘A Letter to A Hindu’ of Leo Tolstoy

Sukanya. J. K and Ambili. S


16. Ascertaining The Influence of Poverty on Eenrollment and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students: A Case Study

Shaweta Miglani and Raminder Singh


17. Ancillary Treatment for Gametes in Previously Failed IVF Cycles by Artificial Oocyte Activation (AOA)

Shalini Revuri and Sunkam Vanaja


18. Agrarian Life in Bengal under Two Regimes: Mughal and the Early Colonial from 1580 to 1789 A.D.

Sameer Hasan Adil


19. Bharithiya Sahityam Lo Geethanjili Prasasyam

Y.Vijaya Lakshmi



Jagdish Chandra



P. Venkatrao


News and Events

On 14.04.24 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 01.09.22 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 16.04.21 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 28.11.19 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 22.06.15 Public Felicitation of Prof.(Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Icon of Philosophy” Award by SERI On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Life Time Achievement Award ” by SES On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Award of Excellence for the Year 2014” Award by IJMER On 2013 Index Copernicus Value : 5.16 On 2013 IJMER Volume 2 Issue 6, Released by Prof.Y.C. Simhadri On 25.05.13 Greetings from Prof.Dr.Igor I.Kondrashin On 24.05.13 Greetings from Prof.Y.C.Simhadri On 24.05.13 Greetings from Assoc.Dr.Le Kim Long On 14.04.13 Greetings from Prof.G.S.N. Raju On 14.04.13 IJMER 1st Anniversary and Sucharitha releasing by Prof.G.S.N.Raju On 02.04.13 Greetings from Prof.K.Rama Mohana Rao On 27.01.13 Greetings from Dr.Zoram Vujisic, USA On 2012 IJMER Website is Launched by Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi On 2012 IJMER Volume 1 Issue 4, Released by Prof.Dr. Jancy James On 27.11.12 Greeting from Roger W.Wiemers, USA On 24.09.12 Sucharitha ISSN Order On 20.08.12 Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan,(MP) with Editor On 19.08.12 Prof. Ramakrishna Rao with Editor On 20.07.12 Greetings from Prof.(Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater On 07.07.12 IJMER 2nd Issue released by
Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi
On 07.07.12 Greetings from Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi On 17.04.12 Media Coverage Hindu & Bay News On 15.04.12 Foreword by N.Suryanarayana (Dhanam) On 14.04.12 IJMER 1st Issue released by
Dr. D. Purandeswari
On 11.04.12 Greetings from Prof.K.Ramakrishna Rao On 2012 Publication Ethics On 14.03.12 IJMER ISSN Order

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