(Social Sciences, Humanities, Commerce & Management, Engineering & Technology, Medicine, Sciences, Art & Development Studies, Law)

Peer Reviewed and Refereed International Journal

ISSN : 2277 - 7881

International Scientific Indexing Value : 2.286 IMPACT FACTOR : 9.014 Index Copernicus Value : 5.16

Internationally Registered & Peer Reviewed                Awards by IJMER (Sponsored by Prof.(Dr.)Sohan Raj Tater)

Articles of Volume11 Issue10(5) 2022

1. A Study of the Significance Comprehension Skills for Learning of English

Ananda K D


2. A Study of Slums and Residents in Bangalore

Adinarayanappa N A


3. Skill Development Motivates Youth to be a Job Creator Rather than Only a Job Hunter

Allam Joseph Praveen Kumar and Sathish Manthana


4. Buddhism and Its Impact on Ancient India- A Study

Harsha. T. E


5. Industrial Relations and Globlization in India

Madhu Babu Kavala


6. Career Opportunities in Sociology in India – A Study

Mohan Das


7. Finance is the Key input for Every Stage of the Business Lifecycle in MSMES Sector

V. Prabhakar


8. A Study on History of Toy Industries in Channapatna

Gayathri N


9. A Study on Women Empowerment in Indian Modern Era

Veena Rani P


10. Self-Efficacy and Curiosity and Exploration as Predictors of Subjective Well-Being among College Students

J.Chandu Naik and P.Swathi


11. Determinants Influencing Marketing Margin of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Miners: A Case of West Guji Zone

Angasu Areri Elema


12. Biogeography Based Optimization Technique Based Image Segmentation

Sujeet Kumar and Preeti Sondhi


13. A Study on Consumer Awareness Towards Consumer Protection Act 1986 With Special Reference to Mavelikara Taluk

Sneha Suresh


14. Recognition of Architectural Identity: Spatial and Structural Analysis of Počitelj

Rabija Hadžimehmedović, Adnan Novalić and Ahmed El Sayed


15. The Educational Advancement of Tribal Children in Telangana

Ganta Ramesh and Gangasani. Naveen


16. Information and Communication Technology Based Knowledge Management in Education System

Devaiah Gare


17. Women Entrepreneurs in Andhra Pradesh-A Thematic Analysis

V. Chenchu Ramaiah



B. Laxmi


19. Portrayal of Rustic Characters in Hardy with Particular Reference to the Mayor of Casterbridge

Jiteswar Das



Preethi Kutar


21. Sarcasmistic Writing Skills of Maya Angelou's

Suman Rani


News and Events

On 14.04.24 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 01.09.22 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 16.04.21 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 28.11.19 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 22.06.15 Public Felicitation of Prof.(Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Icon of Philosophy” Award by SERI On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Life Time Achievement Award ” by SES On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Award of Excellence for the Year 2014” Award by IJMER On 2013 Index Copernicus Value : 5.16 On 2013 IJMER Volume 2 Issue 6, Released by Prof.Y.C. Simhadri On 25.05.13 Greetings from Prof.Dr.Igor I.Kondrashin On 24.05.13 Greetings from Prof.Y.C.Simhadri On 24.05.13 Greetings from Assoc.Dr.Le Kim Long On 14.04.13 Greetings from Prof.G.S.N. Raju On 14.04.13 IJMER 1st Anniversary and Sucharitha releasing by Prof.G.S.N.Raju On 02.04.13 Greetings from Prof.K.Rama Mohana Rao On 27.01.13 Greetings from Dr.Zoram Vujisic, USA On 2012 IJMER Website is Launched by Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi On 2012 IJMER Volume 1 Issue 4, Released by Prof.Dr. Jancy James On 27.11.12 Greeting from Roger W.Wiemers, USA On 24.09.12 Sucharitha ISSN Order On 20.08.12 Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan,(MP) with Editor On 19.08.12 Prof. Ramakrishna Rao with Editor On 20.07.12 Greetings from Prof.(Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater On 07.07.12 IJMER 2nd Issue released by
Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi
On 07.07.12 Greetings from Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi On 17.04.12 Media Coverage Hindu & Bay News On 15.04.12 Foreword by N.Suryanarayana (Dhanam) On 14.04.12 IJMER 1st Issue released by
Dr. D. Purandeswari
On 11.04.12 Greetings from Prof.K.Ramakrishna Rao On 2012 Publication Ethics On 14.03.12 IJMER ISSN Order

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