(Social Sciences, Humanities, Commerce & Management, Engineering & Technology, Medicine, Sciences, Art & Development Studies, Law)

Peer Reviewed and Refereed International Journal

ISSN : 2277 - 7881

International Scientific Indexing Value : 2.286 IMPACT FACTOR : 9.014 Index Copernicus Value : 5.16

Internationally Registered & Peer Reviewed                Awards by IJMER (Sponsored by Prof.(Dr.)Sohan Raj Tater)

Articles of Volume10 Issue9(2) 2021

1. Violations of Human Rights in Jails of Himachal Pradesh

Suresh Kumar Soni and Rajinder Kumar


2. Posthumanism and AI Totalitarianism: Understanding the Conception of Surveillance During the Pandemic Era

Athira Subin and Riyas P. P


3. Using Social Inquiry Model of Teaching to Enhance Personal Values among Secondary School Students

Bibhuti Bhusan Acharya


4. A Study of Academic Anxiety of Secondary School Students in Relationship to their Socioeconomic Background in Balangir District

Dipak Kumar Panda and Suraj Prakash Rautaray


5. Legal Provisions for Upliftment of Women in India: A Brief Study

D Ramesh. R


6. Shukradhatu Vikruti (Vandhyatwa Individuals) and Its Relation with Praman Sharir W. S. R. to Sama Ayam & Vistara

Bhoir Uday B and Kamble Pushplata


7. An Analysis of Troubles of Farming Labour in India

Swrooprani. K


8. Mansur Al-Hallaj: The Intoxicated Votary of Sufism

Azizul Hoque


9. Sex Ratio in India- A Study

Biswajit Das


10. Inclusive Economic Growth in Indian Experience- A Comparative Study of Community Development

P. Malathilatha


11. A Study on the Functioning of School Management and Development Committee in the Tribal Areas of Odisha

Sumitra Mishra and Sarat Kumar Rout


12. A Brief Summary of Some Classes Defined on Univalent and P-Valent Meromorphic Functions Using Different Linear Operators

Jitendra Awasthi


13. Impact of Bt Cotton Crop Cultivation on Farm Economy in Telangana State

Kavi Raju


14. The Impact of Covid 19 on Kerala Diaspora

Nithya N. R


15. Hepatoprotective Effect of Vrishadi Ghrita in Two Dose Form in ATT Drugs Induced Hepatotoxicity in Animal Model

S M Kapgate and A B Patil


16. Development of Achievement Test: A Research Tool For 11th Grade Students

Shipra Rana and Nain Singh


17. Rethinking Indian Medical System at the Backdrop of Ethical Principles

Subhasree.V and R Lekshmi


18. Measuring Workplace Spirituality: A Study on IT Sector of India

Vani Jain and R.R Saini


19. An Analysis of Two Layers of Cerebral Capillary Blood Flow During Bacterial Meningitis: A Mathematical Model

Kashee Prasad Barroh


20. Human Rights in India: The Current Status and Position

Suresh Kumar Soni and Rajender Kumar


News and Events

On 14.04.24 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 01.09.22 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 16.04.21 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 28.11.19 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 22.06.15 Public Felicitation of Prof.(Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Icon of Philosophy” Award by SERI On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Life Time Achievement Award ” by SES On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Award of Excellence for the Year 2014” Award by IJMER On 2013 Index Copernicus Value : 5.16 On 2013 IJMER Volume 2 Issue 6, Released by Prof.Y.C. Simhadri On 25.05.13 Greetings from Prof.Dr.Igor I.Kondrashin On 24.05.13 Greetings from Prof.Y.C.Simhadri On 24.05.13 Greetings from Assoc.Dr.Le Kim Long On 14.04.13 Greetings from Prof.G.S.N. Raju On 14.04.13 IJMER 1st Anniversary and Sucharitha releasing by Prof.G.S.N.Raju On 02.04.13 Greetings from Prof.K.Rama Mohana Rao On 27.01.13 Greetings from Dr.Zoram Vujisic, USA On 2012 IJMER Website is Launched by Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi On 2012 IJMER Volume 1 Issue 4, Released by Prof.Dr. Jancy James On 27.11.12 Greeting from Roger W.Wiemers, USA On 24.09.12 Sucharitha ISSN Order On 20.08.12 Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan,(MP) with Editor On 19.08.12 Prof. Ramakrishna Rao with Editor On 20.07.12 Greetings from Prof.(Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater On 07.07.12 IJMER 2nd Issue released by
Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi
On 07.07.12 Greetings from Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi On 17.04.12 Media Coverage Hindu & Bay News On 15.04.12 Foreword by N.Suryanarayana (Dhanam) On 14.04.12 IJMER 1st Issue released by
Dr. D. Purandeswari
On 11.04.12 Greetings from Prof.K.Ramakrishna Rao On 2012 Publication Ethics On 14.03.12 IJMER ISSN Order

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