(Social Sciences, Humanities, Commerce & Management, Engineering & Technology, Medicine, Sciences, Art & Development Studies, Law)

Peer Reviewed and Refereed International Journal

ISSN : 2277 - 7881

International Scientific Indexing Value : 2.286 IMPACT FACTOR : 9.014 Index Copernicus Value : 5.16

Internationally Registered & Peer Reviewed                Awards by IJMER (Sponsored by Prof.(Dr.)Sohan Raj Tater)

Articles of Volume11 Issue5(2) 2022

1. Is It Right Time to Introduce Uniform Civil Code in India?

Ravikiran R Garje


2. Association of Organizational Culture and Empowerment of Faculty Members: A Study on Higher Education Sector of Uttar Pradesh

Aaiman Siddiqui and Mahrukh Mirza


3. Yoga Methods for All

Kasibhatta. Satyamurty and A. Sudhama Vamsi


4. Cultural Synthesis in Deccan during the Qutb Shahi Period - (1518-1687)

Kolipaka Srinivas


5. Environmental Impacts of Ecotourism Developments in Great Himalayan National Park, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

Vineet Kumar


6. Immanuel Kant Transcendentalism and Vedānta

Drākshāyaṇi Maṇḍuva


7. Validity of Attention Economy in the Context of Social Media Platforms

Pavan Kumar T and Lavpreet Kaur


8. Juvenile Cases in States and Union Territories of India

Maya Gupta


9. Emerging Trends in Educational Technology

Anant Madhav Kulkarni, P. Muthumari and Chetan S Sonawane


10. CSR and Ethical Practices in Indian Business



11. Digital Mind Maps an Innovative Teaching Learning Strategy in Science Students

Priya Kumari and Kishor. H Mane


12. 'Good Health for All': A Distant Dream for Ex-Untouchables

Sanjay Kumar Das


13. XI Jinping’s Crackdown on Big Tech-Companies

Vibhor Poswal


14. Tourism Contribution to Rajasthan’s Economic Development

Vinay Kumar Verma and Kiran Shekhawat


15. To Study the Existence of Quality of Work Life in the Private Colleges of NCR (India) and Attempt to Identify the Most Common Factor or Factors Contributing to the Quality of Work Life of the Academicians Working in Private Colleges of NCR Region in India if QWL Exists

Tushar Kumar, Manvi Panchal and Tosham Singh


16. Desideratum to Fathom of Child Psychology for Social Work Professionals: A Review of Components

Suma K G


17. A Study on Internal and External Factors Affecting Business Environment

Amruta R. Sane, Vanita Mane and Abhishek Gandhi



P. Ramadevi



Jakke. Padma


20. Reducing Malnourishment through Income from MGNREGS

Ravikiran R Garje


21. Administrative Relations of Indian Federalism - A Constitutional Provisions

Y. Venkateshwarlu


News and Events

On 14.04.24 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 01.09.22 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 16.04.21 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 28.11.19 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) On 22.06.15 Public Felicitation of Prof.(Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Icon of Philosophy” Award by SERI On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Life Time Achievement Award ” by SES On 2014 * Prof.(Dr).Sohan Raj Tater getting “Award of Excellence for the Year 2014” Award by IJMER On 2013 Index Copernicus Value : 5.16 On 2013 IJMER Volume 2 Issue 6, Released by Prof.Y.C. Simhadri On 25.05.13 Greetings from Prof.Dr.Igor I.Kondrashin On 24.05.13 Greetings from Prof.Y.C.Simhadri On 24.05.13 Greetings from Assoc.Dr.Le Kim Long On 14.04.13 Greetings from Prof.G.S.N. Raju On 14.04.13 IJMER 1st Anniversary and Sucharitha releasing by Prof.G.S.N.Raju On 02.04.13 Greetings from Prof.K.Rama Mohana Rao On 27.01.13 Greetings from Dr.Zoram Vujisic, USA On 2012 IJMER Website is Launched by Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi On 2012 IJMER Volume 1 Issue 4, Released by Prof.Dr. Jancy James On 27.11.12 Greeting from Roger W.Wiemers, USA On 24.09.12 Sucharitha ISSN Order On 20.08.12 Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan,(MP) with Editor On 19.08.12 Prof. Ramakrishna Rao with Editor On 20.07.12 Greetings from Prof.(Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater On 07.07.12 IJMER 2nd Issue released by
Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi
On 07.07.12 Greetings from Dr. Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi On 17.04.12 Media Coverage Hindu & Bay News On 15.04.12 Foreword by N.Suryanarayana (Dhanam) On 14.04.12 IJMER 1st Issue released by
Dr. D. Purandeswari
On 11.04.12 Greetings from Prof.K.Ramakrishna Rao On 2012 Publication Ethics On 14.03.12 IJMER ISSN Order

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